1894-96 Ermeni Katliamı

The massacre in Sasun (August 1894)
The illustrator tried hard to reproduce the characteristics of southern Armenian traditional dress, especially that of the women.
Saturday Club (New York)
Tessa Hofmann & Gerayer Koutcharian, Armenian Review, Spring/Summer, 1992, Vol. 45, No. 1-2/177-178, p. 66, Fig. 2
Armenian massacre in Constantinople, 30 September 1895
From a book of the German Assistance Association for Christian Charity Work in the Orient
(Deines Bruders Blut: Eine Geschichte Aus Armeniens Leidenstagen, with a prologue and epilogue by director F. Schuchardt. 21st edition, Schwerin in Mecklenburg: Friedrich Bahn, 1926)
Tessa Hofmann & Gerayer Koutcharian,
Armenian Review, Spring/Summer, 1992, Vol. 45, No. 1-2/177-178, p. 67, Fig. 3
"The Attack on Armenians by Softas (Theological Students) near St. Sofia" Armenian massacre in Constantinople
C. J. Staniland, "from a sketch by an eye-witness" in The Graphic, 26 Oct. 1895, p.515
Tessa Hofmann & Gerayer Koutcharian,
Armenian Review, Spring/Summer, 1992, Vol. 45, No. 1-2/177-178, p. 68, Fig. 4
"The Police Taking Armenian Prisoners to the Grand Zaptie Prison, Stambul"
C. J. Staniland, "from a sketch by an eye-witness" in The Graphic, 26 Oct. 1895, p.515
Tessa Hofmann & Gerayer Koutcharian,
Armenian Review, Spring/Summer, 1992, Vol. 45, No. 1-2/177-178, p. 69, Fig. 5
Armenian Massacre
Sketch by an eye-witness of the terrible massacre of Armenians by Softas
(Fanatical Moslem Students near St. Sofia)
Source: "Turkey and the Armenian Atrocities" by Rev. Edwin M. Bliss
Edgewood Publishing Company, 1896, p. 432
Erzerum, Armenian highlands in eastern Anatolia. Burial of the victims of the October 30, 1895 massacres of the Armenians during the region of Sultan Abdul Hamid II.
These massacres from 1894 to 1896 took the lives of over 200.000 to 300.000 victims.
(Informations and Dokumentationszentrum Armenien, Berlin)
AGBU, April 1999, p. 24
Massacre of Armenians at the Great Gregorian Church at Urfa, where 3.500 Christians were butchered; 1500 of them slaughtered in the Church where they had taken refuge
"Armenian Massacres and Turkish Tyranny", p.100

Armenian Massacre in Constantinople
The gathering of the corpses of victims, streets of Galata
"Le Petit Parisien" journal, September 13, 1896
Armenian Massacre in Constantinople
"Il Secolo Illustrato" journal, October 27, 1895
Massacres of Christians in Turkey
"Le Petit" journal, May 2 1909
Armenian children victims of Erzerum massacre, photo by 1895
Nubarian Collection
A photo by an eyewitness of the terrible massacre of Armenians
Nubarian Collection
A photo by an eyewitness of the terrible massacre of Armenians
Nubarian Collection
